The primary goal for any successful e-commerce site is to be simple for the customer. Consumers have become so accustomed to easy-to-use e-commerce sites that they often don't understand the complex actions that are taking place behind the scenes. To the consumer, they merely pick their desired product, pay, and leave, just as they would in any retail store.
Customers are impatient, finicky creatures, accustomed to the quick flow of information so common today. They are less likely to continue shopping at a site with a slow response time or with excessively deep navigational structures. It's crucial to your site's success that it is as responsive as possible and all of the most important information your customer needs is positioned prominently and easily visible on every single page. If your site bogs the customer down with excessive, unrelated content or if the navigation to the information they want is not immediately obvious, it's very likely that you will lose that potential sale. However, simply quickly displaying the information they need is not everything. You must also present the information to them in a fashion that is visually appealing, attention grabbing, and effectively encourages the customer to buy.
Artistic and technical quality is absolutely everything to an e-commerce site! According to survey results, published by in 2001, out of the more than 9,500 online shoppers surveyed it was revealed that more than 75 percent of them leave a site without a sale. Of the 75 percent who abandon their online shopping carts, 31 percent cited poor site organization and 21 percent cited slow response times as the reason they left the site without a purchase. Of the 75 percent who abandon their shopping carts, 44 percent purchased the same or similar products from another competitor's site!
All potential customers who browse your site can be divided into three distinct groups. For a site to be successful, it must be designed such that it caters to these three groups of customers without alienating any of the others. The three groups are:
- The customer who knows exactly what they want, knows that you have it, and knows that they want it. This customer is the dream of all business owners, all you have to do is open the door and simply show them the way to checkout.
- The customer who is browsing to buy. They aren't necessarily looking for anything specific, they simply have money to burn and want to spend it. Your website should show, and prove to, these customers that your business is the single best choice for them.
- The customer who accidentally stumbles onto your e-commerce site, the most common group. Your site's presentation is the key to dealing with this type of customer. The primary task is to present to them easy access to information related to your products or services and to make the information as interesting, and fun, as possible.
We follow a set of standard criteria that we've developed over our many years of experience in developing successful e-commerce sites. Questions such as:
- What kind of layout and navigational tools will be used in the site?
- Will the color scheme of your site add or detract from its value in the eyes of the customer?
- When is an intricate design so intricate that it interferes with sales?
- Is the quality of the site obvious? The site's stability and quality direct affect the customer's view of the products and services advertised on the site.
These questions, and more, must be answered by our knowledgeable staff before one hour of time is put into development. We are constantly learning, through trade articles and scientific journals related to marketing, psychology, and human-machine interfaces, so that we stay ahead of the curve and provide cutting-edge, high-quality, relevant, and sales-effective e-commerce sites to our customers.