You will never have the second chance to impress your Customer
Logo – is the frontispiece of your company or product. Your possible
customer meets your company and builds up his/her opinion just according to
this frontispiece whether this is the name of a company, internet project,
soda water, shop, spaceship or feed for fishes.
Professionally designed trade mark represents simple but capacious graphical
image. Logotype designing is a masterpiece of the designer’s work. If you
cannot put the trade mark on a pen (as it becomes unreadable when scaling)
or it cannot be printed in a newspaper (as it becomes unrecognizable in the
white-black image) or if your employees cannot describe it in two words –
then this is not the logotype.
Depending on the customer’s the logotype may consist of trademark sign,
graphical sign or both (combined logotype). Our specialists will intently
listen to your requirements and then give you consultations and offer the
best solution.
CMS Matters company