WorldFriends Worldwide Friend Connector was launched at the beginning of December 2001. WorldFriends can help you find friends from all around the world! Finding or being found by old friends and reconnecting is a great way to brighten anyone's world. Sure we want to find old school friends, but life didn't end the day we left school, college or University. Sure we want to find old friends from our hometowns and the countries we grew up in, but the world is shrinking and people move around. WorldFriends covers all of this and much more, including places of work, military service and our universal keyword search facility. Registration is free, quick and painless.
Develop a reliable turn-key solution, which includes easily scalable software with multivariable search engine, easy-to-use and administrate Content Management System with Statistics Module, multi-language support (7 languages), e-greetings cards service with custom-made greetings cards, as well as cutting-edge design with intuitive navigation scheme and interfaces and complete a corporate identity development kit (logo, letterhead etc.).
- JavaScript
- CGI/Perl programming
- Relational MySQL content database
- Database driven HTML templates
- Content Management System
The site was deployed within one month and the result of our work exceeded client expectations. At the beginning of December, 2001 WordFriends was named the "web site of the week" by BBC Radio in Great Britain. A long-term contract between TriVTech and WorldFriends was signed. In the near future, multiple additional exciting services and functions will be added to the site.